You Might Be Addicted to Mah jongg If… A Humorous Collection of Mah Jongg Creations

Here is my humorous collection of Mah Jong Creations.

You Might Be Addicted to Mah Jongg If...
You Might Be Addicted to Mah Jongg If… A Humorous Collection of Mah Jongg Creations by Mary Anne Puleio, Ph.D.
You Might Be Addicted to Mah Jongg If...
You Might Be Addicted to Mah Jongg If… A Humorous Collection of Mah Jongg Creations by Mary Anne Puleio, Ph.D.

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1 thought on “You Might Be Addicted to Mah jongg If… A Humorous Collection of Mah Jongg Creations”

  1. Very funny, this book will make you smile and laugh about Mah Jongg.

    I really had a lot of fun turning each page and discovering clever and funny original art by the author. This charming book is in full color and presents humorous illustrations of the game. This book feels like a collection of Polaroid snaps transformed into cartoons. Each page depicts a situation you may have encountered yourself, or you will be able to relate to, whatever your experience with Mah Jongg is. Once you have read this book, you may just like me, catch yourself smiling or laughing out loud, during or after a game.
    And even if you don’t play this addicting and enjoyable game, this is a great gift for someone you know who plays Mah Jongg.

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