1. The Tiles
- The Suits
- Dragons
- Flowers
- Winds
- Jokers
- Special Joker Notes
- Summary of All the Tiles
2. Let’s Build a Wall and Deal
- Building the Wall
- Selecting the Dealer or East
- Dealing the Tiles
- Finishing the Deal
3. Selecting a Hand
- Card Terminology and Matching Tiles
- Understanding the Mah Jongg Card Categories
- Color Representations on the Playing Card
- Exposed and Concealed Hands
4. The Charleston
- The First Charleston
- The Second Charleston
- The Blind Pass and Its Purpose
- When are Blind Passes Allowed
- The Courtesy or Optional Pass
5. Playing the Game and Winning
- Beginning the Play
- Claiming Suit and Symbok Tiles
- Claiming Exposed Joker Tiles
- Going Dead
- Mah Jongg in Error
- Winning the Game
- What is a Wall Game
- Scoring
Final Notes
Also by the Author
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